Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving #1

This way we can count how many Thanksgivings I have post diagnosis. A little too morbid for this rainy Thanksgiving eve? Not really. Each one I have is further proof of all that there is to be grateful for. I guess that goes for all of us.

Things I am grateful for in no particular order: husband, daughter, son, mommy, sisters, dogs, you, chickens, old timey music and its progeny, turkey, nieces, nephews, sweet potatoes, summer tomatoes, fall apples, apple, cherry and maple trees, horse manure, fireplaces, fleece, reggae, wine, chemotherapy, oncologists, Charles Dickens, nuts, good fiction, the Sunday Times, my legs when they take me on long walks in the woods, pasta, space heaters, washing machines, photocopy machines, Skype, computers, WBUR, my hair, my teeth, money, airplanes, mountain views, the first amendment, sleep, mocha chip ice cream, clean water, people who make me laugh.

That's all that occurs to me at the moment. Please let me know your things.

Wishing you a delicious, cozy Thanksgiving with people you love.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Amy love! You're on my list of very special people for whom I am thankful. xxoo
