Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rare and precious animals

So one reason that I have not been posting lately is that I've been struggling with computer challenges, and before that I had the privilege to be traveling. I want to share a little of our adventures with you.

In July we we went to the Galapagos. Not surprisingly, it was a unique and wonderful experience. As advertised, what makes the Galapagos truly amazing is the fearlessness of the animals.

For example, you can lie on the beach and cuddle up to a sea lion...

You can just about trip over a 150 year old, 1000 pound tortoise.

You can peer at the underside of an albatross and see its newborn.

You can hang out with the Christmas Iguanas...

You can eat lunch with sea lions and pelicans...

Please sir, may I have some more?

As a breast cancer patient you can amuse yourself with silly jokes about the blue-footed boobies.

Or the red-footed ones...

Or the multi-colored ones...

Or even the barefooted ones....

You can coo at a fluffy, baby albatross...

Or take pride in completing a steep hike with your mom...

You can admire the scenery and figure out better ways of disguising your baldness.

You can wonder at the unfathomable depths of the Pacific ocean and worry about how you might rescue your mother should she fall in it and get caught under a diving porpoise and a zodiac motor.

You can boast to your friends about having snorkeled with penguins...if you did...

And occasionally, if you are really lucky, and quiet and savy about approaching the rarest and wildest of the earth's creatures, you can experience exceptional joy and beauty.


  1. This could be a book Amy! Nice story...very poetic.

  2. Thanks, Sarah. I enjoyed your post today too!
