Saturday, October 8, 2011

Still Here

Yes, my friends. I ain't dead yet. I realize it's only been a week or so since my last post, but don't forget that in addition to cancer, there are buses that could run me over, criminals who might slit my throat, snakes that if they came too close could give me a heart attack, and all kinds of other dangers out there that could knock me off, or you off, for that matter.

Don't mean to bring you down. I am feeling rather cheerful this morning, really. The annual physical went okay yesterday, although the suggestions for additional medical consultations could pretty much fill all my time:  dermatologist, bone density, genetic testing, questions for radiologist, questions for oncologist, future appointments with her. Add to that all of the consultations that will be required for exploring and possibly implementing breast begin to wonder about quality of life after cancer diagnosis. Maybe I should take a walk across the Mass Pike.

Still sounding a bit negative, am I? Okay. This time I will really try. I am looking forward to the day. It is Saturday. The dogs let me sleep in until 7:30. I don't have to see any medical professionals today. The sun is shining. I am looking forward to a fun evening out with the husband. Maybe there's an egg in the chicken coop. My plan for the day is to rip out all of the withering vegetable plants from the garden which will make it look tidy and fertile. (Sometimes I prefer a garden that has nothing in it, to one that is filled with messy, dirty plants.) Tomorrow, good friends are coming to visit.

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