Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Farming Update

Dear Blogees,


Yes my friends, the hens have blessed us with...an egg. Just look at that thing! Is that beautiful or what! And for a first try it ain't too shabby. The picture below gives you some perspective:

Our is the little one on the end. Stop laughing! Those other, stinky, commercial ones, (though organic, free range, grain fed and whatever) are Extra Large. I would say that our egg would weigh in as Regular? Medium? Who knows. But that is one nice egg, you've got to admit. Check out the artful little speckles on one end.

There's just one problem. What should we do with it? I've got zero interest in eating that thing. I know where it came from and it's not a pretty place.

The husband has a web cam in the coop and he knew that the girls were getting close. So we both spent more time than we should have today checking out the goings on in the coop from our desks. I swear, we saw that girl sitting in her little box (lower left), prepare her little nest, and squat that thing out.

We are very proud egg guardians. I am especially proud of the husband who put in an inordinate amount of labor, love, and money to deliver that egg. When you think about it, that is one precious egg. (I'll have to google cryonics for chicken eggs...) Those birds better get busy if they want to even begin paying us back.

On another matter. I apologize for my last post. I "published" it by accident, unfinished, unedited, un-illustrated. But I guess it doesn't matter among friends.

Be well.
Love, Amy

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