Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers' Day

My first mothers' day without bosoms. I guess that's not much of a milestone. Mothers' day without a mom would be sadder. I still have one of those. She is a freak of nature. I won't talk about her age because that would be rude. (She was very diligent about teaching her children good manners. It took better with some of us than others.) So, I am 53 years old, she had children on the late side, had four of them scattered over 13 years. I am the third. You do the math.

My mother hasn't spent a night in a hospital since her last daughter was born. (I won't tell you how old she is either because she feels as strongly about good manners as my mother does - but she was born a couple of years after I was so you know what to do...a long freakin' time ago.)

My mom is not interested in illness. She doesn't want to talk to doctors or anyone else about it. Maybe that is what she's doing right. Instead of spending time in doctors' offices, she writes books. She is eager to put on a pair of skis, get on a chair lift and slide down a hill. She swims or walks every day. She plays a mean game of bridge. She socializes with her buddies 2 or 3 times a week. She travels at least monthly to visit daughters. She drinks a Manhattan every night. She lives alone in the house I grew up in. I like to think my mom's good life bodes well for my sisters and me.

Thanks to my mom. my husband's mom, and to all your moms for the good lives they gave us.

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