Monday, March 14, 2011

Side Effects

Dearest Bloggees,

I'm sorry. Does that sound disrespectful? I shouldn't think so. I'm  stickin' with it. How have you been? For some odd reason, I am so grateful for your readership. It's cozy. It makes me feel less lonely. Not that I am feeling particularly lonely these days, but to the extent that loneliness is a constant condition that ebbs and surges, having bloggees prolongs the ebb. So when I ask how you have been it's because I am genuinely curious. If you feel like sharing, this needn't be a one-way street. Email, use the comment button below, whatever.

So it was a whirlwind week of side effects from chemotherapy, a smashed nose, and birthday celebrations. In the midst of the birthday/reunion celebration with five of my college roommates and dearest friends, my husband arrives home with my daughter whom I haven't seen since my surgery. She and I do not communicate much from a distance. Mostly text. I never had the guts to send a text like: "BTW removed the boobs". I'm thinking she got the picture during the hug. Hugging your children without bosoms is a little sad for a parent. (I am trying to be sensitive here to the reality that dads get breast cancer too, holy-mother-of-god forbid.)

I've begun taking baths again. Used to be that baths were a major winter indulgence for me. I was not supposed to take them for the first couple of weeks after the surgery. They are not as enjoyable as they used to be. One of the best things about the bath was how the water made my boobs float off my chest the way they never did in dry life. (Perhaps that was a wee bit personal for this blog? To hell with it. I warned you from the start that this blog was not for delicate sensibilities.) Now, the only things floating in the bath are scabby bits of dead skin.

Ok. Now, I'm making myself sick. I'll change the subject. My sister-in-law gave me an orchid. I love it.

Not a very good picture, but I'm hoping it will help to remove other images that may be installed in your minds.

Here is a picture of Orchids from the Singapore Botanic Gardens that I took last September while traveling there for work.

Ok. This is boring.

More information on how to follow this irresistible production. I have been asked how, if you are a Follower, you may be notified of new posts. There isn't really a way to do that without an RSS tool button on the site, which there is not. So, if you want:

  • You may add this link: to your "favorites" or "bookmarks" list and just take a peak from time to time.  You will see this URL in the address window of the browser when you're viewing the blog.

  • Or, a simpler way to save the URL...if you see the tiny white on orange "B", in the browser address bar - just left of the URL, grab that with your mouse, and drag it to your desktop (or anywhere else that you like). An instant shortcut to this post. Note that today, you may see an orange on white "B". Tomorrow, it could look different.

Well thanks for reading, if you made it this far. I wish you all happy, productive days.
Lots of love,


  1. hello dear amy,
    sorry I haven't called lately, but I will directly. yet I thought I could let you and your readers know that you CAN create an RSS feed for your site. people just need to add:

    to their RSS reader (browser or email program). I've done that in Mail, my email client, and it shows all of your posts now.

  2. you're a genius! Thanks so much. I will let people know who might not see this comment. Lots of love!

  3. Amy - Also, if your blogees use Google Reader, they can subscribe to your blog through that service, and automically get notified of updates. xxoo K
