Sunday, February 26, 2012

Speaking, Skiing and Inflating

Have I mentioned before that I prefer to write than talk? I feel safer and more confident when I write than when I talk. I am one of the decreasing number of people in the world who loves email. I would much rather write an email than make a phone call. And IMing and texting are miraculous accommodations for the socially phobic, introverts of the world.

Fortunately, my work requires more writing than talking. On occasion, however, I am expected to communicate orally using a microphone in front of people who are hoping that useful information comes out of my mouth. This is like requiring an agoraphobic to take public transportation in Mumbai. In such a setting I become anxious and inarticulate, if not nearly mute. To deal with this problem, I write down every word I plan to utter before an audience of greater than one, and commit it to memory. This strategy becomes a bit tricky if there is any Q and A involved.

Anyway, I am beginning to think that this is why I continue writing this blog. It reduces the need for talking. So if you are pissed that I haven't called in a while, you now know why.

If after this confession you are still interested..all is well with me. I just returned from skiing in Utah with my sisters and mother. I had been concerned that my achy joints would ruin this trip, but I am happy to report that they did not. To prepare my joints for skiing I spent more time at the health club. I think it worked. I had no trouble skiing every day of the trip.

In fact, I am now spending about 15 hours a week exercising. As previously mentioned, exercise may reduce my risk of recurrence. I hope this idea doesn't turn me into some kind of compulsive exercise freak who  can't live a day without sweat and muscle pain. So far, however, I think I have it under control. Moreover, I feel stronger, more flexible and cheerier. The only disappointment is that it does not seem to improve my figure. That is mostly because I no longer have a figure, but also because I eat like a horse. I eat like a herd of horses. All that stupid exercise makes me voracious. If you know of a healthy way to suppress appetite, let me know.

In other, cancer news, I recently learned the date of my last Herceptin infusion - April 30 - and none too soon. The difficulty du jour is finding a vein to pump the drug into. It becomes harder every visit. They usually have to puncture me three or four times before they find one that works. It hurts like hell because with each puncture they dig around to see if they can find the right spot for pumping. When it doesn't work the drug inflates my arm like a water balloon. Just describing it here is making me sick. I'm sure you're not loving the image either.

I hope you are all doing well, having some fun and getting your exercise. And please don't hesitate to write... or call.   xoxoxox